Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rule #7

During our pre-departure orientation in Newark, those of us who were participating in the COE Europe 2009 tour talked about our expectations: academic development, the trip, and living with our fellow travelers. We agreed that we would abide by the following group rules: #1. go with an open mind; #2. be attentive; #3. communicate our needs; #4. respect each other; #5. respect our common space; #6. look out for each other ; and most of all, #7. no complaining.

Of course, not that I am complaining ... Of all times for England to have a heatwave, it had to be while we are here. 30 degrees celcius (90 degrees farenheit) feels much less oppressive when: buildings are air conditioned; there is no humidity; when one is not wearing long slacks; and, one does not walk for several neighborhoods during the heat of the day.

But you didn't hear it from me ...

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