Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Icelandic Esprit of Adventure

Leif Eriksson isn't the only one to explore new lands ...
Check out the name of our plane! Actually, the ride to and from was a form of hell for some of us ...

Yeah! And a forty-plus year old CAN also do anything!
2011, bring it on!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

And away we go ...

What can one do in seven days in Iceland? Lots and yet hardly enough! We picked wild blue berries atop of a tiny dormant volcano, but we didn't get a chance to eat horse, puffin or whale (only until the last day did we eat whale). We saw these amazing rock formations just minutes from our vacation home, but we did not we get the chance to see the Pompeii of the North. We were surprised at just how much one can do just in the southern coast region of Iceland. Each day we were out before 8 am and would come home 12 - 14 hours later. But there are still three fourths of the island inviting us to come and get to know them. One thing is for sure: This is a place where one needs to visit again. And then, begin planning for another return visit.

Toe to Toe with Glacier named Myrdal

Twenty five years ago, winter began in late September; and lasted thru late May. Today, record heat and little to no snow or rain have allowed for summer to stay way past her welcome. Unfortunately and because of this, we were also able to walk a few steps onto Myrdalsjokull yesterday afternoon. It was almost surreal, our big Renault Trafic transporting us from Ring Road #1 to the foot of this touchable glacier. Note: Because of Eyafjallajokull's eruption earlier in June, there was ash all over. The normally white blue ice is now smeared with black dust. And when the wind picks up (which is always at gale force), that ash feels like tiny sharp pellets whipping across ones face. Myrdal ain't playin'.

Wallowing in the Mud

Woke up at 5:30 am this morning to board a ferry to the Westmann Islands. Unfortunately, the powers that be decided to cancel the last ferry the night before and this morning's shuttle. That left us with a few hours to fill before our afternoon appointment at the HNLFI Health Clinic and Spa in Hveragerdi.

We decided to drive east, past Vik to Vatnajokull and Jokulsargljufur. There we went, the siblings and three backpackers from Canada and Finland. Before we knew it, our windy and stormy morning turned bright and sunny. Literally. We were able to see the mighty and largest European glacier all her glory, as well as her stunning last 'breaths' of ice chunks strewn across a black sand beach.

Speaking of black earth. We closed our day by wallowing in the geothermal mud baths in Hvero. The clinic specializes in treatment for those who are in need of rehabilitation, regaining their strength or simply in need of rest. I Being the oldest clinic in Iceland of this nature, they sure do know what they are doing. Siggi, our personal MD, attended us. He ensured that we laid in our mud bath for 15 minutes and then wrapped us up like hot tamales in layers of Icelandic woolen blankets to stay cuddly warm for 40 minutes. Our regimen ended by soaking in a hot jacuzzi and emerging refreshed after a few dips in a cool pool. If this is what the doctor orders, let me be the first to volunteer!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

There is no bad weather in Iceland, only bad clothing

Today was THE day. The day we had been planning for: snorkeling between the two continents! We packed and put on our smart wool socks and underwear, contact lenses and headed out for our morning meeting with the other adventurers who would join us. Ingo and Palli were our guides. They walked us, piece by piece, on how to suit up for cold water snorkeling and diving. In watching us, some might consider us to be good material for a comedy skit. Finding a waterproof 'snowmobile suit' with attached rubber boots our size wasn't so difficult. Putting it on was! Each hole area (neck and wrists) being surrounded by skintight-rubber wear that needs to be stretched and correctly snapped into place. Youch! Then, we had to put on our neopralene hat and gloves, goggles, snorkel instrumentation, and flippers. It took nearly an hour to get everything on properly and in place.

Walking down the ladder into the ice cold water was a welcome relief after finally have put on our suite. With our waterproof camera inhand, we saw the blocks of lava, of continental shelf crumbling on themselves as the two pull apart. There we were, all the Trevino Flores siblings, between two continents at the same time. Good thing for being paired with my buddy! Those first few minutes were kinda scary.

While in the water, I would only hear the sound of my breathing as I looked in wonder at the crystal clear, ice cold water, green lake kelp stuff and orange colored moss. Amazing. I didn't feel the cold at all. I was too busy checking out the view. More amazing is the fact that it takes 30 years for the water to filter through the lava channels from its origin, the Langojokull glacier to enter the fissure. With this in mind, I was swimming in water from ice that melted in 1980, the year Ruth was born. Quite apropos!

Our unexpected highlight was a rock jump off from a small cliff into the fissure. We experienced our own little "quebrada" in Iceland! Was it worth all the suiting up? You bet!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Another interesting fact about Iceland. From what I understand, individuals can own water rights up to 999 feet underground. At 1000 feet, the state owns it. Because of this, the people in our little hamlet (800 people) have access to geothermal water at a fraction of the cost. Just 40 years ago, there were hardly any people in the village. Today, there is a community center, neighborhoods and a golf course in addition to a mushroom greenhouse, strawberry farm and other garden goodies.

This is me climbing along side a waterfall - There are 10,000 waterfalls in Iceland!

A Secret Hideaway

Two guys decide to publish a book about all the hidden treasures dotting the Icelandic terrain: the hotpot. Giving GPS coordinates, each hotpot (hot spring) can now be more easily found. Doing so has proven to be controversial because many hotpots are located on private property. This one is too.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Icelandic Goodies

Can you say, yum?

Inspired by Iceland

Iceland: Its a place where there is rock, and lots of it. A place where the snows covers the little liveable land that is left, and leaves it buried for much of the year. Its a place where the water is always hot, really hot!

But, it is also a place where people, like women with names like Sigridur, when they see something worth speaking up for and protecting, they do. Its a place where the annual Althingi took place for its leaders from the four corners of the island to gather in the field to resolve matters and dispense justice. It is a place of farmers and fishermen/women who struggle every day not only to survive, but thrive!

Icelandic culture is one of community, independence and pride.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Falling Sleep and Waking Up in Fludir to Fumeroles and Geysirs

First sights of the day in Fludir: 2 fumeroles and a geysir that blows its top every 5 or 7 minutes. Tres cool!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First night in Fludir and a Shooting Star

Arriving in Iceland at 6:40 am was literally a breath of fresh air with the temperature at 45 degrees and clouds rolling out of Keflavik bay. Driving around in our Renault Trafic gives me a feeljng that we are doing this family vacation right.

A few quick observations: Icelandic people love their round-abouts; moss can grow on anything; and, the stars either move really fast across the Icelandic sky, OR, there are tons of planes flying overhead at night. The neatest thing of my first day also happens to be one of the simplest: watching a shooting star streak overhead while soaking in heated waters on a chilly September night.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Silver Lady (Silfra Fissure)

Our itinerary has finally taken shape with everyone adding their "must do" top activity to the trip. My wish-list request is to snorkel the Silfra Fissure. By the way, Silfra means "Silver Lady" in Icelandic.

We all know that snorkeling with glasses just ain't gonna happen, especially if your vision is bad and one wants to SEE whats in the water. Plus to me, getting prescription goggles seemed a tad too extreme. Good thing I was able to get contact lenses prescribed and fitted just in time for our adventure holiday. Silfra is a freshwater fissure between the continents, where divers and snorkelers can actually touch both continents at the same time! Equally unique is the water. They say its one of the very clearest and most pristine waters on this planet. From what I've read, we will be able to open our mouths and take a drink. Here's to the Silver Lady!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Rotary in Iceland

Iceland has one Rotarian for every 266 inhabitants. Maybe the highest per capita in the world!

Where the Mushrooms Grow

"Iceland" and "Delicate" don't seem like they would naturally go together. But they do! Apparantly, the little hamlet where we are going to stay is home to the largest mushroom growing greenhouse/factory in the entire country. Seems that their tasty mushrooms need good soil, moisture and clean air ... all found in Fludir.
And now, for the real thing. Check these out!!

Mi casa ...

How does one say 'home' in Icelandic? HEIM! Its confirmed! Our heim-base is Fludir, a small 338 person-village in the upplysingavefer uppsveita arnessyslu area. Now that is a mouthful!

We'll be staying in a vacation house about an hour and a half northeast of Reykjavik. Kudos to my sister for finding this beautiful 1900 ft, 3 bd, 1 bath, sun-room, multi-person hot-tub, internet-available, close to golf-course and natural hot pool heim! A pic from the kitchen.

We found out that Fludir has THREE churches! This is very unusual for an Icelandic town of this size. This is one of the two rural farming churches ...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Iceland: An unearthly paradise

Pure, natural and unspoiled: That is what they say about Iceland. I can't wait to visit!

This is a huge about-face from where I was when I first started reading about the island. The first travel books described a place where the weather can change every 10 minutes. Where the wind is so intense that it can rip car doors off from their hinges! What has scared me the most is the warning about unsuspectingly parking your car off the side of the road in order to capture some of the most unearthly natural scenery on camera. If not careful, tires can easily sink into lava quick sand. What had I gotten myself into? Having visited Alaska, we loved the crisp mountain air, the ocean full of whales, blue glaciers and salmon filled rivers. Iceland seemed to be our natural next travel destination. But from what I am reading, Iceland may be more like Alaska on steroids! Its a place of bubbling hot pots of water and mud, where I can also snorkel the ice cold, crystal clear waters of the fissure between the continental plates of Eurasia and America. Or where I can soak tired muscles in the geothermal heated waters along any hiking trail while nibbling on volcano-baked bread. Hey now, this beginning to sound downright enticing!

So, here we go to a place where the names of the people, towns, volcanoes, geysirs and glaciers are hard to say, but am promised, easy to love.